Things To Do

The parks are used by a large cross section of the community for a range of activities but Maryon Park and Maryon Wilson Park have some unique features.

Maryon Wilson Animal Park

The MWAP is at the northern end of Maryon Wilson Park. It features a wide range of animals for your viewing pleasure.


There are three walking Trails through the parks:

The Capital Ring

The Green Chain Walk

Explore Charlton Trail

This trail runs south from the Thames Barrier through either Gilbert’s Pit (a Site of Special Scientific Interest) or Maryon Park (where the cult film Blow Up was shot) and Maryon Wilson Animal Park to Charlton House, probably the finest surviving Jacobean house in London. The distance on a round circuit is 2-3 miles.

Tennis Courts

A revamp of the tennis courts has made them a fun way of spending time in Maryon Park while getting some physical exercise. They can be booked at the courts via a QR code on the gate or here …


One of the roles that the friends group performs is to be hands on with projects in the parks and we appreciate any time you can spare.

Maryon Park Community Garden

The Friends helped start the conversion of the overgrown plot of land that was once the Greenwich Council plant nursery in Maryon ParkĀ  intoĀ an organic food growing garden. It has since become a project in its own right with its own officers and committee and includes a community orchard, Forest School and teaching area. Read more about this here.

Rubbish Clearup

The Friends and other volunteers form an informal working party on the first Saturday of every month to clear the parks of litter and rubbish. We meet at 10am at the back of the Kinveachy Gardens houses, near the north-eastĀ corner of MW Park. Wear suitable clothing and gloves and help clear up the parks.